Saturday, 1 February 2014

Half-Time Snacks

My son asked me today why he's given oranges at half-time.  In my search for an answer beyond "it's tradition I think.."  I stumbled upon this article which suggests fig newtons would be a superior half-time snack.  If it's good enough for Ryan Giggs, it's good enough for me.  Still don't think I'll be able to get my kids to eat them though.

Gearing up for Cold Weather

The Princess Rockstars are back outside tomorrow.  I suspect participation levels will be greatly influenced by how insulated they arrive to the game.  Dress regulations are more relaxed for the younger ones, making it possible to dress them in layers to keep them comfortable.  Track pants over base layer under their shorts, sweater and jackets under their jerseys, as well as hats and gloves, will keep their attention away from the cold.  Of course, a few of the girls have matching sparkly hats.

More on tips on playing in the cold-

More coaching support Apps

Found a website that lists and critiques coaching support apps-